Kevin Swanson

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Kevin Swanson
Gender Male
Status Alive
Full name Kevin Swanson
Age 17 (early seasons)[1]
25 [2]
Hair color Brown
Relations Joe Swanson (father)
Bonnie Swanson (mother)
Susie Swason (little sister)
First appearance "A Hero Sits Next Door"
Actor Jon Cryer ("A Hero Sits Next Door" only)
Seth MacFarklane (Seasons 2-3)
Scott Grimes (Season 10-Present)

Kevin Swanson is the teenage son of the Swanson family, being Joe and Bonnie's older son and Susie's older brother.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Kevin was originally named Kyle.[3][4]

References[edit | edit source]