Lois Griffin

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Lois Griffin
Gender Female
Status Alive
Alias(es) Lois Anabelle Pewterschmidt[1]
Full name Lois Patrice Griffin
Age 43[2]
Hair color Orange
Occupation Housewife
Piano teacher
Relations Peter Griffin (husband)
Meg Griffin (daughter)
Chris Griffin (son)
Stewie Griffin (son)
Babs Pewterschmidt (mother)
Carter Pewterschmidt (father)
Patrick Pewterschmidt (brother)
Carol Pewterschmidt (sister)
Peter Griffin Jr. (son; deceased)
First appearance "Death Has a Shadow"
Last appearance "Gift of the White Guy"
Actor Alex Borstein

Lois Patrice Griffin[3] (née Pewterschmidt) is the matriarch of the Griffin family.
